Gardening Tips for Spring

gardening tips for spring Woolpit Nurseries

Gardening Tips for Spring

As a gardener, you may be excited about the warm weather and longer days that come with spring. This is the perfect time to sow seeds and prepare flower beds and vegetable patches for planting. Once the soil is sufficiently warm, you can begin planting potatoes, onions, and hardy vegetables such as broad beans, cabbages, carrots, radishes, lettuce, rocket, and spinach.

To ensure a vibrant garden, March and April are ideal months for planting perennials, sowing hardy annuals such as marigolds, and planting summer-flowering bulbs like lilies and gladioli. Late May is an excellent time to prepare your beds by removing weeds, digging, and raking the soil to create a fine tilth. Dividing crowded clumps of daffodils and other spring bulbs will help them spread out and flourish next year.

It’s crucial to keep up with weeding as rising temperatures accelerate growth in borders and vegetable beds. Regular hoeing is recommended to keep weeds at bay. During dry spells, it’s important to water plants at the beginning and end of the day to ensure their growth is not stunted. Check out our Spring gardening tips for more ideas on how to make your garden flourish.

Things to do in the garden during spring

gardening tips - weeding and mulching Woolpit Nurseries

hanging baskets Woolpit Nurseries   Weeding and mulching

In springtime, it’s crucial to control weeds before they deprive your desired plants of light and water. You can take advantage of early spring’s moist soil and available space between plants to mulch your borders.

gardening tips pruning hydrangeas Woolpit Nurseries

garden plants Woolpit Nurseries Pruning hydrangeas

Prune hydrangeas in March/ April. Identify a cluster of sturdy, healthy buds and trim the previous year’s flower heads, leaving just above these buds. If dealing with older or overgrown plants, remove some of the older growth to promote new growth from the base.

gardening tips hedgehog hibernating Woolpit Nurseries

garden plant Woolpit Nurseries Look out for wildlife

When gardening during this time of year, it’s important to be mindful of nesting birds and check for them before pruning hedges or shrubs. When clearing away winter growth in spring, there may be insects, amphibians, or even hedgehogs hibernating, so it’s crucial to be cautious.

gardening tips lawn mowing Woolpit Nurseries

hanging basket Woolpit NurseriesLeave the lawn for pollinators

Spring is when we usually begin mowing lawns regularly. But you could join the growing trend to leave parts or all of it uncut for a few weeks. This helps clover, daisies, and other species to bloom, providing bees and other pollinators with nectar and pollen.

plants Woolpit NurseriesGrowing plants in containers

gardening tips - plants growing in container Woolpit Nurseries
Container growing is an excellent option for those with a large garden, small garden, or terrace. To optimize your container gardening experience, consider these helpful tips.

Choosing plants for containers

Container gardening offers a lot of flexibility and creativity, particularly with bulbs and annuals that can be replanted every year. Herbs like parsley, basil, and thyme are also suitable for pots and can be conveniently placed near the kitchen for easy access. While perennials, small shrubs, and trees can also thrive in containers, it’s important to choose the appropriate species before you buy.

Compost and care

For seasonal containers, opt for good quality peat-free potting compost. For shrubs and perennials that will remain in the same compost for a longer period, choose on with soil in it or add some yourself. Plants in containers require frequent watering, so it’s wise to seek assistance from a kind neighbor while you’re away.

Woolpit NurseriesPlanting small trees for beautiful blossom

gardening tips - small tree in blossom Woolpit NurseriesSpring blossom is a beloved aspect of the season, and it’s possible to create an impressive display even in a small garden. Choosing the appropriate tree or shrub size for your space is critical to success. Bare-root trees and shrubs can be purchased between November and March, or in containers at any time of year. For optimal results, plant them in the autumn or early spring.

Selecting the ideal blossom tree for your garden

When selecting plants, personal preferences like taste, color, and smell are important, but it’s essential to consider the plant’s soil preferences and final size. Container shrubs can thrive even in small spaces, but they require regular watering and feeding. If you’re planning to grow more than one tree, choose ones that complement each other in terms of flowering sequence or color contrast. Consider trees with multi-season interest or fruit production. Fruit tree blossoms are ideal for pollinating insects.

For the best quality garden plants at great prices, visit us at Woolpit Nurseries in mid Suffolk.

We look forward to helping you transform your garden with our premium plants and friendly service.


Come and see the huge range of plants that we have in our garden plant nursery near you in Woolpit Mid-Suffolk UK. Bedding plants, Hardy perennials, Shrubs, Garden Trees and Fruit trees, Italian shrubs as well as Hanging baskets and planted containers, a great selection of Garden pots, Composts and much more. Click here to find us.

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