Discover the Beauty of Alpines: Compact Plants with Vibrant Jewel-like Flowers

If you’re looking for a versatile and beautiful addition to your garden, alpines are the perfect plant for you. These small plants are known for their stunning little flowers that come in a variety of bright and lively colours. Alpines thrive in harsh weather conditions, making them a low-maintenance and resilient choice for any garden. At Woolpit Nurseries, we offer a diverse variety of alpines and other garden plants including shrubs, perennials, roses, bedding plants, and garden products, so you can create the perfect garden.

” Great garden centre, use frequently, plant quality always great and customer service good.”

Amy N./ Google Review

Alpines at Woolpit Nurseries

Here is a selection of the alpines for sale at Woolpit Nurseries.
NOTE: Our selection changes with customer demand. Visit us at Woolpit Nurseries to explore what’s in stock! No online sales—shop in person.

Alpines Armeria Woolpit Nurseries


Vibrant and resilient, perfect for rock gardens.

Alpines Lewisia Woolpit Nurseries


Jewel-like flowers that add color to any space.

Alpines Pulsatilla Woolpit Nurseries


Hardy plants with beautiful, silky flowers.

Alpines Thymus vulgaris Woolpit Nurseries

Thymus vulgaris

Aromatic and versatile, great for ground cover.

Alpines Acaena microphylla Woolpit Nurseries

Acaena microphylla

Decorative foliage and hardy nature.

Alpines Aquilegia biedermeier Woolpit Nurseries

Aquilegia biedermeier

Striking blooms that attract pollinators.

Alpines Chiastophyllum oppositifolium Woolpit Nurseries

Chiastophyllum oppositifolium

Ideal for shaded spots with delicate yellow flowers.

Alpines Prunella grandiflora Woolpit Nurseries

Prunella grandiflora

Robust and easy to grow, with a long blooming season.

” Helpful staff, excellent range of plants”

Briget S./ Google Review

How to Grow Alpines in Suffolk Gardens

Alpines are a wonderful way to add vibrant colour and charm to your garden or home. Their natural cold hardiness makes them easy to grow, provided they have well-draining compost and are not over-watered. Whether you have a small garden or a large space, alpines’ compact size and diverse varieties make them an excellent choice for creating a beautiful and resilient garden.

Frequently Asked Questions: Alpines

Alpines prefer well-draining soil and should be watered sparingly. Over-watering can lead to root rot.

While alpines prefer outdoor conditions, they can be grown indoors if provided with sufficient light and proper drainage.

Alpines thrive in well-draining soil that is slightly alkaline. Mixing garden soil with horticultural grit or sand helps improve drainage.

Regularly check your alpines for signs of pests.

For the Best Quality Alpines & Garden Plants at Great Prices, Visit Woolpit Nurseries in mid Suffolk. Browse Our Seasonal Alpine Collection and Select Your Plants.