GARDEN BULBS (Autumn only)
4 x large Perennials £16 (£4.45 each)
3 x 2 litre Shrubs £21 ( £7.95 each)
2 x Grasses/ Heucheras £16 (£8.95 each)
Woolpit Nurseries offer an array of garden bedding plants, including vibrant and stunning Fuchsias. These plants showcase a magnificent display of colors and textures, with their drooping blooms flowering continuously from the middle of summer until the early frosts. Fuchsias come in a variety of flower types, ranging from delicate and graceful to striking and vivid, making them an excellent choice for enhancing the visual appeal of your garden, whether in borders, containers, or bedding displays.
Add non-hardy fuchsias into your garden, in summer bedding areas, conservatory displays, and plant containers for perfect settings. Meanwhile, hardy fuchsias can flourish in the majority of UK gardens. These plants typically have an upright habit, with compact varieties that are suitable for borders or containers, and taller types that create a beautiful flowering hedge. When looking to add a pop of color to your garden, Woolpit Nurseries‘ selection of Fuchsias is a fantastic choice.
Growing fuchsias is a straightforward task if you provide them with adequate sunshine and well-draining soil in a sheltered area. To achieve optimal results, it is recommended that you nourish and remove dead flowers regularly while keeping the soil moist. Hardy fuchsias should be heavily pruned in the spring, whereas tender fuchsias’ stems should be pinched out in the same season to promote more blooming. Lastly, tender fuchsias require winter protection.
Fuchsia plants should be planted in areas that receive sun or partial shade, as a south-facing location that gets too hot during summer can be detrimental to the plant. It is recommended to choose a sheltered spot to protect the pendent flowers from being blown off, particularly in the case of larger flowering varieties. While fuchsias can adapt to various soil types, it is crucial that the soil is well-drained.
For bedding plant fuchsias, it is best to plant them in late May, once the threat of frost has passed. It is recommended to harden the plants off for a week or two beforehand, gradually acclimatizing them to outdoor conditions. If planting in pots, use a peat-free multi-purpose compost with added slow-release fertiliser and water the plants thoroughly.
Whereas for hardy varieties, it is advisable to plant in spring or early summer. Prior to planting, dig in an ample amount of well-rotted organic matter, firm and water the soil thoroughly. To keep the soil moist and nourish the plant, apply a thick layer of mulch, such as well-rotted manure or garden compost. Water the plant regularly until it has become established. When selecting a spot for hardy fuchsias, ensure that it is the ideal location as these plants do not tolerate being moved.
To encourage the growth of bushy side shoots covered in summer flowers, it’s recommended to pinch out the soft growing tips of fuchsia plants. Starting in spring and continuing until early summer is ideal for this process. After the last pinch, the first fuchsia flowers should appear within four to six weeks.
After becoming established, fuchsias growing in the ground typically require minimal watering, but may require additional watering during dry spells. For those growing in containers, regular watering is necessary to keep the compost moist but not waterlogged. Any excess water should be allowed to drain away.
In the spring, it is recommended to mulch hardy fuchsias in the ground with well-rotted manure or garden compost, as this will help retain moisture and provide nutrients to the plant. Additionally, scattering a fertilizer such as fish, blood, and bone around the base can be beneficial. Throughout the summer, fuchsias in containers should be regularly fed a high-potash liquid plant food, such as tomato food, to promote more abundant flowering.
Although dead flowers may fall off naturally, regular deadheading can help ensure that the plant continues to produce new blooms.
When pruning hardy fuchsias, it’s best to wait until new growth has begun to appear in the spring. It is normal for some stems to die back, so don’t worry if this occurs. Cut back the old stems to a pair of buds low on the plant. Avoid pruning fuchsias in the fall, as this can make them more susceptible to pests and diseases and more vulnerable to frost damage.
Make sure to check your fuchsias frequently and maintain moist soil or compost without making it too soggy. Remember that fuchsias in containers and hanging baskets require more watering, usually on a daily basis, compared to those planted in the ground which only need to be watered weekly during dry spells. Avoid over-watering newly planted containers by feeling the moisture level with your fingers before watering and refrain from leaving them sitting in a dish of water for more than a few hours. During summer, be more generous with watering as the plants will be bigger, more established and will use more water.
To help your plants grow strong throughout the summer season, choose a potting compost with added feed or add balanced slow-release fertiliser pellets. Keep an eye on the growth and flowering of your plants and apply a balanced liquid feed if they appear stunted or have yellow leaves. Dead flowers will typically fall off on their own or form an edible deep-purple berry.
During winter, plants need to be lifted from the ground and stored in a frost-free location, such as a heated greenhouse, windowsill or conservatory. If the fuchsias are in pots, they can simply be brought inside. Trim back the growth of your fuchsias to create a framework of stems about 15cm (6in) high from the soil or compost, as the plant will regrow from these stems to produce next year’s display. If you prefer bigger plants for your displays, you can leave the framework taller, but it may result in a woody and brown base.
For standard fuchsias, cut back the same way, but to within 15cm (6in) of the top of the lollipop stem. Keep in mind that standard fuchsias will require overwinter protection, even if the standard has been created using a hardy fuchsia cultivar, as the stem is particularly vulnerable to frost. Once you start watering the fuchsias again after winter, they will often begin shooting within a few weeks. As these grow, pinch out the tips to encourage bushy growth.
Fuchsias are mostly classified as tender perennials, implying that they behave as perennials in warmer regions, persisting year after year in such climates. However, fuchsias grown for bedding purposes are unable to endure frosty conditions.
Fuchsias, renowned for their stunning drooping flowers, are particularly ideal for cultivation in pots and other containers. This practice not only allows for the display of cascading fuchsias but also enables the growth of fuchsias that are partially hardy or sensitive to cold temperatures.
Fuchsias require regular watering to maintain a consistently moist, yet not waterlogged environment. For container-grown plants, watering will need to occur more frequently depending on the prevailing weather conditions. Hanging baskets, in particular, should be watered at least once a day during hot summer weather. Once established, fuchsias planted directly into borders will require less attention but should still be kept moist.
While many fuchsia plants naturally produce an abundance of flowers, it’s well worth feeding them every few weeks with a soluble fertilizer throughout the summer, particularly those grown in hanging baskets and containers. Doing so will encourage a continuous supply of blooms. Regular deadheading will also help extend the flowering season.
To ensure proper overwintering of fuchsia plants, they should be lifted before the first frost by the end of September, potted up, and trimmed back by around 50%. It’s advisable to remove most of the leaves as well. In the springtime, all the weak growth should be pruned out and the stems cut back to the lowest pair of healthy buds.
A bright and cool room is the best option for overwintering your fuchsia. The ideal temperature range is between 8 and 10 °C. During the winter dormancy period, it’s important to water your fuchsia sparingly, ensuring that the root ball remains moist but not completely dry. Fertilization is not necessary at all during the winter season.
Encouraging the growth of bushy side shoots that will produce summer flowers in fuchsia plants can be achieved by pinching out their soft growing tips. For best results, it is advisable to commence this practice in spring and continue until early summer. The first fuchsia flowers will typically appear approximately four to six weeks after the last pinching.
Fuchsias thrive in gardens that have soil which is moist but well-drained, receive either sun or light shade, and provide protection from cold winds.
Fuchsias, commonly classified as shade plants, require ample light for optimal growth and flowering. To ensure their proper development, it is recommended to place them in an outdoor spot that receives direct morning sun or filtered sunlight throughout the day. However, in warmer climates, providing adequate shade becomes crucial. For the best results, it is ideal to grow fuchsias in areas where the temperature stays below 85 degrees Fahrenheit during summer days.
We look forward to helping you transform your garden with our premium plants and friendly service.
4 x Large Perennials for £16 (£4.45 each)
3 x 2 Litre Shrubs for £21 (£7.95 each)
2 x Grasses/ Heucheras for £16 (£8.95 each)