Gardening Tips for May | Summer Garden

Garden tips for May from Woolpit Nurseries

Summer’s on its way! Gardening tips for May

Summer’s approaching, and it’s time for the best gardening tips for May! Woolpit Nurseries brings you expert advice to ensure your garden flourishes this season.

In the Greenhouse

  1. Water tomatoes and peppers daily; feed with a high potash feed.
  2. Plant cucumbers in late May to avoid cold/wet compost conditions which can kill the plants.
  3. Sow sweetcorn, French beans and runner beans; but only plant outside after the danger of frost.
  4. Prepare hanging baskets and containers in the greenhouse until weather conditions improve. Wind can do more damage than frost! The larger the basket, the better the end result. Always use high quality all peat compost – such as the Levington M2 Professional.
    Geraniums will give the best show in a sunny spot whether in a basket of as a bedding plant. Pendular begonias, petunias and fuchsias prefer shelter and some shade. The most reliable basket plant is the geranium, especially in a long hot summer.

In the Vegetable Garden

  1. Plant beans, sweetcorn and courgettes. A wigwam made up of 4 x 8ft canes is probably the best runner bean support to avoid wind damage.
  2. May is a good time to set out Brussels sprouts and leeks for harvesting in early Winter.
  3. Sow main crop carrots, protect them from carrot fly by covering with fleece.
  4. Keep potatoes earthed up, check earlies for early lifting from mid May.
gardening tips for May geranium Woolpit Nurseries

In the Flower Garden

  1. Remove spring bedding plants that are now past their best. Then fork in a plant feed dressing of “Growmore” fertiliser before setting out the summer garden bedding plants.
  2. With the demise of “Bizzie Lizzie” due to the mildew problem, a good alternative for the shady border or container is the New Guinea type of Impatiens, which are free from the disease. For an outstanding summer bedding plant, do not forget the small-flowered Begonia Semperflorens. It is very tough, needs no deadheading – also rabbits and deer do not eat them.
  3. Keep watering all plants until they are well established and deadhead Herbaceous perennial plants need support and deadheading where necessary.
  4. Plant Dahlias to fill in the gaps, thety will flower until late into the summer.
  5. Prune spring and early summer flowering shrubs as the flowers fade.
  6. Water hanging baskets and plants in containers daily. REMEMBER that rain doesn’t effectively water baskets and wind dries them out just as much as the sun. Feed twice a week, to the manufacturer’s instructions.
  7. When away, place baskets in buckets against a wall.

If you require any more advice, gardening tips for May, or want to see our large selection of spring and summer bedding plants, then please come and visit the nursery we are open every day 9 am until 6 pm. Or you can contact us through the form on our website at

Happy gardening from all the team at Woolpit Nurseries

For the best quality garden plants at great prices, visit us at Woolpit Nurseries in mid Suffolk.

We look forward to helping you transform your garden with our premium plants and friendly service.


Elevate Your May Gardening with Woolpit Nurseries

Looking to make your May gardening journey even more rewarding? Turn to Woolpit Nurseries, your trusted partner in creating flourishing landscapes. With an impressive range of plants, we offer a world of possibilities to enhance your garden’s beauty and ecological impact.

Experience the joy of hand-selecting high-quality plants that resonate with your vision. Our helpful staff is ready to assist, providing insights tailored to your needs. From sprucing up your outdoor space with vibrant blooms to nurturing pollinators and conserving water, Woolpit Nurseries empowers you to transform your garden into a sanctuary of life and colors.

Discover the difference of gardening with purpose – visit Woolpit Nurseries today and watch your May garden thrive like never before. Your garden’s potential is limitless, and with us, your journey is guided by expertise and care.

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