Radiant Cosmos

Colourful Cosmos: Perfect for Hanging Baskets, Beds, Borders, and Containers

Cosmos, with its delicate, saucer-like flowers in white, pink, red, orange, and yellow, and feathery leaves, is a delightful addition to any garden. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting out, these beautiful plants are easy to grow and maintain. In this guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about growing cosmos, from planting to ongoing care. Discover quality cosmos plants at Woolpit Nurseries.

Last year we grew over 350,000 seasonal garden bedding plants from seed and rooted cuttings at Woolpit Nurseries, including 9,500 bedding geraniums

Quick facts about Cosmos

  • Known for their ease of growing.
  • They usually thrive in sunny locations.
  • Great for cut flowers.
  • Compact varieties can be around 60cm (2ft), while tall varieties reach over 1.2m (4ft).
  • Seeds are best sown in spring and planted outside after the last frosts, typically around mid-May in Suffolk.
  • Deadheading is recommended to stimulate further flower production.
  • Lowest maintenance and floweriest garden plants.
  • Grow in garden beds, patio containers and pots, window boxes, or hanging baskets.
  • Plant with Calandula, Zinnia, Nicotiana, Dahlias, Hardy Geraniums, Eryngium, Verbena and more.
Cosmos colourful Bedding Plants - Woolpit Nurseries

Planting Cosmos


Cosmos thrive in ordinary garden soil with good drainage, provided it doesn’t become waterlogged during the summer. They prefer full sun and won’t flower well in shady spots.

Sowing and Planting:

You can sow Cosmos seeds indoors in spring or outdoors in early summer after the last frost. Alternatively, buy sturdy young plants in pots ready to plant in your garden from a good plant nursery such as Woolpit Nurseries. When planting, ensure the soil is weed-free and finely textured.

Where to Plant:

These bedding plants prefer sunny locations, though some can tolerate partial shade. Add colour to your outdoor space by planting them in garden borders, and in the vegetable garden to attract pollinators, or chose a smaller variety to plant in containers, hanging baskets, or window boxes.

Ongoing Care


Young cosmos plants require regular watering, especially during the first few months. Once established, they typically only need watering during dry or hot spells. Container-grown plants, such as those in hanging baskets or patio pots, may need more frequent watering due to faster drying.


While cosmos generally don’t require additional feeding in garden borders, applying a potassium-rich liquid fertilizer every couple of weeks can enhance flowering, especially for container-grown plants. Slow-release fertilizers can also be added to compost when planting containers.

Weed Control

Regular weeding is essential to prevent weeds from competing with your cosmos plants for light, water, and nutrients. Stay vigilant and remove weeds as soon as they appear.


Keep your cosmos blooming by deadheading dead flowers. This simple task ensures continuous flowering until October or the first frosts. Or pick your blooms for stunning indoor flower arrangements.


For a great selection of top quality bedding plants, visit Woolpit Nurseries today.


Buy Quality Cosmos Plants at Woolpit Nurseries

Ready to add a splash of colour to your garden with bedding plants? Visit Woolpit Nurseries for a great selection of high-quality cosmos plants. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced gardener, you’ll find the perfect addition to your garden and outdoor space. Don’t miss out on the beauty and charm of these plants – visit Woolpit Nurseries today!

Let Your Garden Blossom

Growing cosmos is a rewarding experience for gardeners of all levels. With their vibrant colours and easy-going nature, these plants bring joy to any outdoor space. Follow our simple tips for planting and care, and soon you’ll be enjoying a garden filled with the beauty of bedding plants. Remember, for top-quality plants, head to Woolpit Nurseries and let your garden bloom!

For the best quality garden plants at great prices, visit us at Woolpit Nurseries in mid Suffolk.

We look forward to helping you transform your garden with our premium plants and friendly service.